
Violinist David Garrett Exclusive Life Story Interview

Enjoy Celebrity Radio’s Violinist David Garrett Exclusive Life Story Interview……

David Garrett is a record-breaking German pop and crossover violinist and recording artist!

He was a child Star who now sells out concerts around the world.

Garrett was a the child genius who staggered everyone who heard him….including even his teachers!

Violinist David Garrett BBC Interview
BBC Interview David Garrett Viiolin
David Garrett Life Story Interview

Belfield talks in this exclusive 20 minute interview….

When Garrett was four years old his father bought a violin for his older brother.

The young Garrett took an interest and soon learned to play. A year later, he took part in a competition and won first prize. By the age of seven, he studied violin at the Lübeck Conservatoire, and by the age of 12, Garrett began working with the distinguished Polish violinist Ida Haendel, often traveling to London and other European cities to meet her.

After leaving home at 17, he enrolled in the Royal College of Music in London, leaving after the first semester. On being asked in an interview if he was expelled, Garrett responded: “Well expelled wasn’t the official term… It was mutually agreed that me and the RCM were going separate ways after the first semester.

I did skip some lessons – but I also broke in to do extra practice, so that didn’t help!”

In 1999 he moved to New York to attend the Juilliard School, in 2003 winning the Composition Competition of Juilliard School with a fugue composed in the style of Johann Sebastian Bach.

While at Juilliard he studied under Itzhak Perlman, one of the first to do so,[4] and graduated in 2004.

Garret attended the Keshet Eilon Masterclasses in Israel in the summer of the years 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2002

Recorded 2007 by Alex Belfield at the BBC for Celebrity Radio

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