Corrections Policy

At, we pride ourselves on delivering news that is both comprehensive and accurate, based on all the data accessible at the time of reporting. We’re committed to promptly addressing any inaccuracies in our content as soon as we become aware of them.

Along with rectifying inaccuracies, we employ our digital platforms to post corrections and clarifications or provide an editor’s note detailing the modifications made and the issues identified. If a major error that could potentially disseminate misinformation occurs, we don’t hesitate to apologize to our readers sincerely and promptly.

Article Revisions

Whenever an article is revised, we acknowledge it in the notes section. Each amendment made to reflect stakeholder feedback or correct a significant error is marked with a correction, clarification, or editor’s note to inform our readers.

Factual errors discovered during our fact-checking process are rectified in the article, and a bold notation at the top of the page indicates what was corrected. We encourage community members to report errors at [email protected], and we provide readers the option to suggest edits at the end of every article.


Substantive changes to any content, including text, photo captions, headlines, graphics, or videos, warrant immediate publication of a correction explaining the reason for the change.


When the facts in our writing are correct but the language used to express them lacks clarity or precision, we revise the text and append an explanation to the story. A clarification also indicates when we’ve omitted a comment or response that has since been included, or when new information alters our initial depiction of an event.

Editor’s Notes

In instances where a correction raises significant ethical concerns or casts doubt on the entire content of an article, an editor’s note is essential. A senior editor authorizes the inclusion of such a note, explaining the specific correction.

Additional Correction Policies

Our community engagement team can acknowledge in the comments that an error identified by a reader has been rectified. If we post inaccurate information on social media, we correct it there. If we can’t amend the information, we withdraw it. We avoid attributing blame to individual editors or reporters.

Removal Requests

We do not entertain takedown requests that infringe on our editorial guidelines. However, if the subject of a report contests its accuracy, we are open to investigating it and making a correction if necessary.

We comply with fairness principles and consider updates or follow-ups to our previous reporting when necessary, but we do not erase the story as if it had never existed.

Takedown requests are only considered for publicly available personal data if the presence of the material actually places a person at physical harm risk.